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Leaves Shadow

Community Substance Use Insights

The following community insights indicate the extent to which KFL&A communities have been impacted by substance use. It is updated monthly. Additional insights will be added over time. 


A detailed Annual Surveillance Report is released each year.


Opioid Deaths

  1. Suspected opioid related deaths

  2. Monthly

  3. Link to Interactive opioid tool for confirmed deaths

  4. Notes about where this data comes from and its limitations

ED Visits for Substance Use

  1. Overall number and rate of visits

  2. Can we stratify by substance? Perhaps alcohol, opioids, methamphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, other? Positions us as not only interested in opioids and relays the bigger impacts of substances. 


Naloxone Distribution

  1. KFL&A, pharmacies, Street Health? 

  2. Quarterly

Consumption and Treatment Services Use

1. Site visits (total)

2. Unique clients served

3. Number of overdoses reversed on site


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